Love that Inspires Growth and Hope through Trials

Love that Inspires Growth and Hope through Trials

Mental Illness and Our Take on It

Our Struggles, Our Testimonies, Our Hopes, Our Dreams



March 2023 was the start of a spiraling and difficult life. My grandmother began deteriorating fast. And I took that time to become her caretaker. It hasn't been the same since. My mental well-being is not as smooth sailing as I would desire. On January 6th, 2024, my grandmother passed away, leaving me grieving and dreading my birthday which we shared up til now... Yesterday, her last pet passed away peacefully as well. Thus making my anxiety much higher than it already was, if that is even possible. I have been working on moving into my parent's house due to health reasons; both mental and physical and since then, desperately clung to my ability to create, and build communities along with lifting prayers and songs for my peace. Although I am deep in grief, I truly aim to remain active. Despite not wanting to. 



1.) Mental Health Gaming

One of my main projects at the moment is gamifying self-care though games like Minecraft, Toontown: Corporate Clash, etc. Using apps like 4thewords, Habitica, and Discord; I have written down the ideas and inserted challenges for a party/support group. 

2.) Community Building

Solo blogging as well as community events have been a huge part of my day-to-day goals now. Hosting the Agape Kingdom: Gamifications has been a huge undertaking. However, it has been fruitful and cathartic. Even though it remains a struggle to keep it active, it has helped me through the days I caretook for my grandmother, stuck with her cat, Missy when we put her down, ultimately lost her, and then recently lost Mister.

3.) Hosting Servers/Groups

I touched a bit on this in the previous point, however here I'd like to share the many groups I mainly host for promoting self-care(dm thegryphonwing on Discord to be let in);

a.) Minecraft Realm; Growing Yun Gaming: With add-ons being added to Bedrock, I have used them to make a fun environment with many rewards for doing things in real like to care for yourself and your environment. 

b.) Habitica Party; Agape Kingdom's Triquetra Caticorns: although it is loosely based on Christ-centered mental health and the Triquetra diary card and goal system I created for those interested, it is not reserved only for Christians. I highly encourage anyone to partake in it.

c.) Roblox Group; Agape Kingdom Gamifications: My aim here is to make as many clubs/clans/etc that are part of this group, but my first one is on Pet Simulator 99 called Vanished For Mental Health (VFMH), it encourages afk-gaming in one spot as you earn for actively working out or working on chores etc. 

d.) Toontown Corporate Clash: Triquetra Kaleidoscope: My goal here is to incorporate self-care and gather more people on the journey of that with my Toontown Corporate Clash: Gamified project.

e.) 4thewords; Scriptsmiths & Bookdragons: part of my guild for writing and reading books on Thursdays where I will make a  Co-op room and encourage others to write anything.


4.) Livestreaming/Blogging/Vlogging

I will be more active within these locations very soon:

a.) Agape Kingdom Blog: with (normally) weekly posts with different topics, depending on the day I blog. Such as Selfcare Sunday, Media of the Week Monday, Nostalgic Tuesdays/Thursdays, Soundwaves of Love Wednesdays, Free Review Fridays, Sabbath Devotionals

b.) TheGryphonKingdom Twitch: Either will livestream discord events but mainly will be aiming to do it Sunday, with playthroughs and more!

c.) thegryphonwing Tiktok: vlogging location for updates on fun, games, mental well-being, as well as my move. Meanwhile, I will most likely stay away from the timeline until 2025!


Other Updates


1.) Movie Review

Although I did dread my bday, my mother took me out to watch Inside Out 2 in theaters! Honestly, they did so well representing Anxiety! I loved how they portrayed grounding skills and personified them in the dynamic of Joy and Anxiety. Joy sitting her down with tea and a seat toward the end, he deep breathing, the panic attack and the amazing and hilarious depiction of puberty was the chef's kiss! It was the first movie I'd rate as a 5-star from Pixar or Disney in a long time!

2.) Potential Name Change

Soon I will be legally changing my last name to my daddy's which I have wanted to do ever since 2011. He has stuck with me since I was young and although I wished for adoption then, there would have legally been more to it then. I truly am grateful to him and have considered him my true father since day one. Despite our rough patches, I want him to know I can't imagine having another father. 


Even though it's been a rough few months, I am ultimately grateful for my time with Grandma, Missy, and Mister, and that I am working to move out of my apartment and back with my parents here. I hope to be more active in LightforMI as well as in other areas. I look forward to this coming year. 

In the days before me, I will remember; 

Luceo Non Uro (I shine, not burn),


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Who We Are

Arianna LIGHT for MI

Arianna is a proud authoress, artist, and musician, but the most important thing about her is; she seeks the hidden face of God with a passion. A lover of culture, art, music, and all things geeky and Celtic, her writings are often greatly impacted by these things.


Valerie LIGHT for MI

Valerie is the wife of a remarkable man, and the mother of three children, with two of whom having various degrees of mental illness. Valerie is no stranger to mental illness herself as a sufferer of depression on and off for years.
